Coffee Table Book Launch Photos
AGM 2016
PFS Bicentenary Memorabilia for Sale
2016 Invest Penang Seminars
2016 Charity Golf
Launch of the OFA Singapore Coffee Table Book
Wu Lien Teh Symposium 2016
2016 Members Get Together Photos
AGM 2015
A Tribute to the Late Neo Kim San
The Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Lecture 2015
AGM Picture Album
President's Report 2014
AGM 2014
Maths Olympiad report
List of Life Members
The immortal words of GS Reutens who composed the School
It matters neither
how straight the gate,
Nor how charged with dangers the goal,
Let the tempest rage and fell odds inflate,
We'll do it with heart and soul.
Let us march unto fame,
Let the aisles proclaim,
Till our anthem will dare us to do,
Let us onward to win and new laurels gain,
Free School for the brave and for the true.
Link to the Wu Lien Teh Society
Application Form for joining the WLT Society
OFA Singapore Book Project
A Special Invitation to Old Frees in Singapore
Photos of Life Membership Dinner and Project Launch